
Copper Curl Part VI

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Germany sat on his couch, bundled up under a thick shelter of covers. He felt rather pathetic, curled up in a ball. He felt as if he were hiding.

Hiding from what, though? Italy? Himself? The truth? Everything?

He didn't understand what the hell was going on. First there are these damn visions that most definitely belong to the dead nation, Holy Rome. Then there is the fact that Germany is starting to acquire some…non-platonic feelings for Italy.

He can't deny it anymore. He definitely likes…loves Italy. That way.

Germany bit the insides of his mouth and let out a frustrated groan. He ran his hand over his face and peered out his open window. The stars were shining bright against the black sky. The blonde nation felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand up for some unknown reason. He stiffened and lowered the covers from his chin cautiously.

He looked around the dark room and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Yet, there as something off. He held his breath for a few seconds, listening to every creak that the empty house made. There was nothing wrong. No signs of intruders, no unwelcome guests…

Germany leaned back against the couch and let out a long breath. The war has made him extremely paranoid. He closed his eyes for a second and took another long breath. His mind strayed back to Italy. He couldn't get the damn nation out of his head! The way he laughed and smiled, his irritating, yet endearing voice, his joyful eyes…

Germany shook his head and mentally smacked himself. Now is NOT the time to reflect on such things! He needed to understand what was going on!

This was the second time that Italy had told him that he looked like Holy Rome. Something about that didn't settle comfortably with Germany. For some reason, the remark had more significance to him than anything else.

He tried to replay some of the visions in his head. The little girl with the copper curl, crying and sweeping the floor with a broom. The raw pain of leaving a loved one for war. The goodbye kiss. The confession of love. A promise…

A promise…

Germany never remembered a promise. Why did he just remember it now? He struggled to remember exactly what the promise was, but his mind went blank. He couldn't recall anything about a promise, yet he was sure there was one. He clutched his hair frustratingly and growled angrily.

The sooner I figure this out, the better.

He needed to get this out of the way. He had a war to worry about. He didn't have time for ghostly memories and unexpected romantic feelings. Plus, this whole ordeal was making everything so…weird!

Italy is now an emotional wreck. Germany is receiving visions from a dead nation, and has romantic feelings for Italy.

It's a mess.

And it needs to be fixed.

Damn you, Holy Rome. Why me?

Then, without warning, he felt like someone had cut open his chest, reached in, and twisted his heart. He winced as the tears filled his eyes. Germany started to shudder and he clenched his teeth together to prevent himself from completely falling apart.

You broke your promise. You never came back.

The words seemed to slap him right in the face. He didn't know who was saying it to him, but he knew that it was true.

No…no no. He didn't break a promise to anyone. Germany never broke promises. No. Holy Rome broke a promise. To who? Italy?

Then why did Germany feel so much pain? It didn't make any sense at all.

The blonde nation wished that he could actually just talk to the dead nation…just for a little while so he could understand what the hell was going on.

Without warning, there was a huge Bang! It echoed through the whole house and caused Germany to jump up in fear. Instinctively, he reached for his gun, which he kept on the table that sat right next to the couch.

"West! You better not be asleep because I brought beer and I expect you to drink it with me!"

Germany's shoulders slumped and he gave an irritated sigh. The annoying voice of his brother rang in his ears like an unstoppable siren. To make matters worse, Prussia wasn't the most graceful of people when he made his presence known.

Germany heard a crash and the sound of something being knocked over.

"Ah, shit! That's so not awesome! Uhhh…west, you might want to buy a new vase…"

Germany's eye twitched as he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from yelling obscenities at Prussia. Finally, the albino walked into the living room. His bright red eyes glinted in the darkness of the room and in one of his hands was a pack of dark beer.

"What the hell are you doing here alone in the dark? Masturbating? Kesesese…"

Just breathe in and out. That's right…don't lose your head Germany…

The blonde nation winced as the violent shock of light mutilated his eyes.

"Now that's better!" Prussia announced. After Germany's eyes adjusted to the lights, he glared at his brother, who was now sauntering toward the blonde nation. He watched as Prussia carelessly collapsed on the couch and put his feet on the short table in front of them.

"Vhat the fuck are you doing here?" Germany growled at Prussia, who had opened a bottle of beer. The albino nation brought the bottle to his lips and swigged it before setting it down, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and leering at his brother.

"Stop questioning my awesomeness, west. I'm just being the awesome bruder that I am. I mean come on! Look! I brought beer! Bottom's up!"

Prussia took another swig.

Germany sighed exasperatedly before reaching out to grab a beer as well. "Really, Prussia, vhy are you here?"

The Albino nation's grin faltered a bit as he took another huge swig from his beer, finishing it off. He frowned slightly as he opened another one.

"Austria told me that you came in wondering about Italy's childhood the other day," he finally answered. He took another gulp of the alcohol.

Germany felt his face flush red. He didn't understand why the idea of his brother finding out about his would make him feel embarrassed beyond belief, but it did. He felt so…exposed. His heart started to pound against his chest and his stomach churned unpleasantly. Germany tipped his head back and gulped the beer, despite his protesting stomach.

"Vhat does that have to do with anything?" Germany finally snapped at his brother.

"Jeez, no need to be so defensive, west. Rich boy said that you two talked a little bit about good ol' Holy Rome. He also said that you freaked out and ran off. He just wants me to talk to you about it," Prussia said with a shrug.

"There's nothing to talk about," Germany said flatly as he downed the rest of his beer before hastily reaching for another one.

"Actually…there's a lot to talk about, bruder. I don't give a damn about what personal issues you currently have, but according to Austria, you have a bit of a problem with the mention of Holy Rome. So he thinks that you need to know the truth and that I, being the awesome Prussia, should be the one to break the news to you." As Prussia said this, a strange look passed over his face. It was a serious face. His usual smirk was watered down and his devious red eyes weren't glinting with mischief.

"News?" Germany asked, realizing that he was getting a migraine. He never got migraines from beer, let alone only two. The blonde nation opened another one and downed it.

Prussia sighed and ran his hand through his shock of white hair before shifting his weight slightly on the couch.

"How much of your childhood do you remember, west?"

Germany was taken aback slightly by the question. Didn't Austria ask the same thing?

"Not much. Just that you raised me. I don't know. It's all very hazy, to be honest," Germany responded, his head hurting once again from thinking about it.

Prussia's lips tilted up in a sort of grim matter before he said in a careful voice, "Have you ever wondered why nobody ever told you where you actually came from? Haven't you been curious at all?"

Germany was slightly taken aback by the intense way his brother's red eyes flashed at him. The blonde nation fidgeted under Prussia's gaze as he shakily tilted another bottle of beer back, slowly gulping half of the contents.

He carefully put the bottle back down, his limbs shaking and his head pounding.

He finally answered, "Vell, I-I never thought it to be important…"

Prussia closed his eyes and sighed. Germany watched as the albino nation shook his head slowly before saying in a quiet tone laced with a hint of bitter humor, "We may need to get the Russian bastard to bring some vodka for this, west. It's a lot to take in."

"I don't understa-"

"Holy Roman Empire isn't dead."

Germany shut his mouth and stared at his brother intently, trying to find any signs of mockery. But for once, there was nothing but impassive seriousness on Prussia's face. Germany felt like his heart was crawling up his throat.

"B-But…didn't France-"

Germany was confused. Austria had said that he France had killed him, and that's why Italy is so upset. But…but if he isn't dead, where was he now? Was there any way that Germany could talk to him and ask him why he was receiving his memories?

And what did this all have to do with his childhood?

Prussia just shook his head. "Everyone thinks he died. The only people who know that he's actually alive are Austria and I. After all, I am Holy Rome's big bruder."

Germany was beyond confused as he stared at his brother, who was now smiling grimly. This didn't make any sense. He knew that Prussia had been around for a while, but he never knew that Holy Roman Empire was his younger brother. Does that mean that Germany and Holy Rome are brothers as well? The blonde nation's head started to hurt again as he took the beer bottle again and finished the rest of its contents.

"You still don't get it west, do you? Jesus, you're slow. Okay, I guess I'll keep going then. Holy Rome left Austria's house when he was a child to go to war. He was at war for a very long time. When he was a teen, he took a fatal blow by France during the Napoleonic wars. Everyone thought that he had died, but he didn't. But his empire did dissolve and he sort of…de-aged. Because the damage was so great, Holy Rome turned back into a child…a child with no recollection of who he was or what had happened. I found him wandering along the western border and I brought him in. I knew that he was Holy Rome, but I didn't say anything because if France ever found out that he was alive, he'd just come after the child again. So I gave him a new name and he still goes by that name with no recollection of who he really is," Prussia said all in one breath. The albino's eyes were now literally on fire as he stared at Germany.

The blonde nation was holding his breath. His heart was bouncing against his ribcage violently and his stomach was flipping upside down. His limbs were shaking uncontrollably and his mind was swirling in a torrential haze.

But…but that means…

"He goes by Germany now," Prussia said in a quiet, yet firm voice.



Outside Germany's house sat an Italian with a long copper curl. He was crouched right below the open window. The events that occurred between he and Germany at his house had definitely affected him in more ways than he wanted to admit.

There was something strange going on. Italy didn't know what it was, but it really was bothering him.

So he decided to pay his friend a visit, but when he saw Prussia coming toward the house, he hid in some shrubs, below the open window.

And…he had listened to the whole conversation that had taken place.

And he had to bite on his wrist to stifle the sobs that came out of his mouth as the tears trailed down his cheeks.
Here's part six of Copper Curl guys!!! Enjoy!!!!

Part VII:
© 2012 - 2024 MeridianNightfall
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darkvaatigirl's avatar
AWWWWW!!!!!!! YUSH! ... You made me cry, man...